Marc Meador serves as the President. Marc is a retired Army officer and his passion is making other’s lives a little bit easier. Marc was commissioned in 1980 and held a three-year Army ROTC scholarship. Branched Artillery, he served at Fort Sill, Ok; Zirndorf, GE; Fort Stewart, GA; Fort Sheridan, IL; Fort Knox, KY; and Hohenfels, Germany. Marc and his wife of 42 years reside in Preston County, West Virginia.

LeeAnn Haley is the Vice President. Lee Ann is a four-year Army ROTC scholarship recipient, and a U.S. Army Combat Veteran from Keyser, WV. She earned a BA in Sociology and Anthropology from West Virginia University, and a Master’s in Public Administration from Webster University. Lee Ann held numerous leadership positions worldwide as an Army Aviation Officer piloting the UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter. Lee Ann has continued her federal service with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and, currently with the Department of Energy (DOE). She is currently a Senior Advisor at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), in Morgantown, WV. Lee Ann resides in Morgantown, WV, with her husband and fellow Army Combat Veteran, Jeremy, and her daughters, Lyla (10) and Lydia (5). She is an active supporter of initiatives for Veterans in West Virginia. She also enjoys running and spending time outdoors with her family, especially kayaking on the Greenbrier River in southern West Virginia.

Tom Turman is our Secretary. Tom is a 1989 graduate of Marshall University ROTC. He was commissioned regular Army and served in Aviation through 1997. Tom then moved the West Virginia National Guard in 1997 and served until 1997. Tom’s son, William Turman, is a 3rd year WVU ROTC cadet.

Tom Monahan is a retired Army Captain (PDRL) and both a military and civilian logistician. Initially commissioned regular Army and branched Field Artillery in 1984, Tom saw the light when serving as a Battalion S4 and PBO and voluntarily branch transferred to Quartermaster Corps in 1987. In 1990 Tom was medically retired, and seamlessly employed his Army skills set in logistics, leadership, and management into corporate life, small business, and higher education. He has served as an officer and leader with his fraternities, Veterans’ organization, church, Scouting, and HOA. While at WVU he was awarded a three-year Army ROTC scholarship, earned the designation of Distinguished Military Graduate, and participated in the 1980s version of the Ranger Challenge for 4 years. He was posted at Fort Sill, OK; Giessen, (formerly West) Germany; Fort Lee, VA; and Fort Polk, LA. His civilian career took him to Indianapolis, IN, Sacramento, CA, Virginia Beach, VA and back to Morgantown, WV. Tom is retired. He and his wife, Linn, met at WVU and have been married since 1983. They live in the Cheat Lake area of Morgantown and have two adult children and one grandchild.

Dr. Suzanne Gosden Kitchen, Professor of Management at John Chambers’ College of Business & Economics, is our Director of Giving. She prepares American and International students to become leaders in Human Resource Management. Her areas of expertise include: Talent Management, HRM Strategy, Business Writing, Learning and Organizational Development, Compliance, Corporate Social Responsibility, and most facets of Organizational Behavior.
During her teaching career, Dr. Kitchen received many honors and awards, including: Sigma Alpha Pi Excellence in Service to Students Award (2021), WVU Values Coin for Service (2019), Dean’s Award for Distinction in Outreach (2018), Dean’s Award for Distinction in Service (2017), the Dean’s Award for Distinction in Teaching (2013), and Beta Gamma Sigma Professor of the Year Award (2012). She was promoted to full professor in 2022, the first teaching professor in her college to achieve this high rank.
Additionally, Dr. Kitchen served in strategic leadership roles: long term as the Assistant Chair of the Department of Management and Industrial Relations (2016-2022), and short term as the Interim Program Coordinator for the Master of Science in Human Resource Management (2015 and 2021).
She maintains many professional HR affiliations and certifications. She remains engaged with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), holding high level leadership roles in SHRM State Council, serving as the Legislative Director and the College Relations Chair. Additionally, she takes pleasure in advising the award-winning SHRM@WVU student collegiate chapter #5127. During her years advising SHRM@WVU, the chapter has received these honors: SHRM Foundation Scholar (2012, 2016, 2021), Merit Award Recipient (2015, 2017, 2021), Superior Merit Award Recipient (2016, 2018, 2019, 2020), and Outstanding Merit Award ( 2014 *only 12 awards given). In 2017, the Chapter’s Case Competition Team won 1st place at the national SHRM competition in Philadelphia, PA.
Prior to joining the faculty in Chambers College, Dr. Kitchen worked as a Senior Consultant for the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), a service of the USDOL Office of Disability & Employment Policy. For her clients, Dr. Kitchen resolved ADA cases and specialized in developing accommodation ideas for employees with cognitive/neurological impairments. During this 13+ year period of her career, Dr. Kitchen emerged as a training expert on workplace accommodations and ADA compliance.
Dr. Kitchen graduated from WVU with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Education, and a Doctoral degree in Educational Leadership: Higher Education Administration. In addition to her career focus, she is dedicated to serving the community of Morgantown, and the State of WV. Her community service record includes: Friends of Army ROTC (FOAR) Director of Giving (current role), Mountaineer Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors (2005 – 2015), 4H Business Camp Director and Coordinator (2017-2019), Co-Advisor for the Technology Student Association (TSA) for South Middle School (2016-2019), TSA state and national competition judge (2016-present), and Personnel Board appointee (current role) for the City of Morgantown, in her 3rd consecutive appointment.
Dr. Kitchen began her professional career as a public school teacher and Speech & Debate coach in Virginia. She continues to design disability awareness activities to educate the public, and enjoys finding new ways to promote disability etiquette in society. Members of the legal profession often request her as an expert witness on ADA and disability cases. She regularly grants interviews to the media on disability-related topics. Furthermore, Dr. Kitchen continues to provide private consulting and training to clients in North America.

Lake Summers Director for Marketing and Communications. Lake is a 1987 DMG of WVU’s Army ROTC program, and a 3 ½ year scholarship recipient. After earning his bachelor’s degree from WVU in Marketing, Lake graduated in 1991 from the University of South Carolina School of Law. Lake spent a year clerking for a state circuit court judge before joining the Army JAG Corps in 1992. Lake spent 3 years on active duty with the 82nd Airborne Division during which he served as trial counsel and legal advisor for the 505 PIR (3d Brigade). After leaving active duty, Lake worked as a state court prosecutor, and he continued his service in the Reserves with the 12th Legal Support Organization at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. Lake was mobilized in 2003 for OIF, and he deployed to Kuwait and Iraq. Lake’s military awards include the BSM and CAB. Since 2004, Lake has been a partner in a Columbia, South Carolina law firm, and he focuses on employment law and litigation. Lake and his wife, Renae (a WV native, WVU College of Law graduate, and practicing attorney), have 4 children between them, all of whom are over the age of 21 and all of whom have mercifully departed the family home in Columbia.

Josh Meador is the Mountaineer Battalion Alumni Engagement Coordinator. Josh is a 2007 graduate of WVU with a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology. Upon graduation he was commissioned as a Transportation Officer and has served at multiple echelons throughout his career. Josh’s time of service has included assignments at Schofield Barracks, HI, Fort Drum, NY and Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA. Josh currently resides outside of Louisville, KY with his wife and son.